“While most other commercial construction companies struggled in 2010, our success in securing multiple new contracts this year is direct validation of our unique business model that takes the project management burden off of our clients and allows it to rest solely with us - proven field experts in all facets of the small- and large-scale project design, development, financing and execution,” said Michael Regina (top right photo), co-founder and owner of Big Sky.
“Our one-stop, full-service professional oversight approach saves our clients' time, resources and money, also allowing them to tend to other business matters integral to their own corporate growth.”
In spite of the economic recession and construction industry slump, Big Sky realized many key achievements, including the following:
Named Ascendant Strategy (www.ascendantstrategy.net) and Kern Communications (www.kerncommunications.com) corporate branding and public relations agencies of record, respectively
Secured multiple contracts in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including:
50,000 square foot Life in Christ Cathedral of Faith Community Center that will include a sanctuary, charter school, retail, office Incubator and gymnasium;
60,000 SF New Construction of Victory In Christ Christian Center church, sanctuary, offices, bookstore, nursery, and café;
14,000 square foot new construction of Tuckerton Medical Group facility;
11,000 square foot new construction of Delaware Valley Baptist Church sanctuary & offices;
Strategic development planning, refinancing and project management for New Beginnings Christian Church;
Construction loan procurement for Bethel Baptist Church facilities
Broke ground on 14,000 square foot new construction of Tuckerton Medical Group medical facility in New Jersey
Completed 11,000 square foot new construction project of Delaware Valley Baptist Church sanctuary and offices and procured a construction loan for Bethel Baptist Church facilities, both in New Jersey
Hired key personnel: Scott Hartkopf as Director of Field Operations, and Sara Joy Knoedler as Administrative Assistant
Learn more about BIG SKY online at http://bigskyllc.com and Big Sky Financial Services at http://www.bigskyfs.com/
Contact: Merilee Kern, Kern Communications, 858-577-0206, Merilee@kerncommunications.com
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