Steve Quello (top right photo), president of CEO Nexus, said conference is open to chief executive officers and principals of second stage companies by invitation only.
The featured guest speaker is Richard A. Licursi, (lower left photo) co-founder, president and chief executive officer of Spectrum Bridge, Inc., a venture backed company focusing on making wireless bandwith more readily available. The New Jersey native who received his MBA from Farleigh Dickinson University, is a former vice president of Motorola’s MeshNetworks Product Group.
CEO Nexus is an organization that works in concert with public and private organizations interested in providing business leaders—owners, CEOs and presidents—with practical tools and techniques designed specifically for growing second-stage companies.
Sponsors include the Edward Lowe Foundation, the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, the University of Central Florida Office of Research & Commercialization, Rollins College Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship and GrowFL.
CEO Nexus is an organization that works in concert with public and private organizations interested in providing business leaders—owners, CEOs and presidents—with practical tools and techniques designed specifically for growing second-stage companies.
Sponsors include the Edward Lowe Foundation, the Florida High Tech Corridor Council, the University of Central Florida Office of Research & Commercialization, Rollins College Center for Advanced Entrepreneurship and GrowFL.
For more information, contact:
Steve Quello, President/Principal, CEO Nexus 407-590-6101,
Larry Vershel or Beth Payan, Larry Vershel Communications 407-644-4142,
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